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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

5 warning signs of “esophageal cancer”

Normally, we are familiar with cancer that occurs in important parts of the body, such as liver cancer , lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. But another important organ that we may not often talk about is the “esophagus”, which causes patients with this disease to suffer

Free radicals are not difficult to fight, just change your behavior.

Free radicals are not difficult to fight, just change your behavior. Free radicals are the cause of the body’s deterioration. We can increase the production of antioxidants. By changing behavior, turning to eating well and exercising regularly. Get enough rest and don’t stress. Antioxidants It is

After taking emergency contraception How do you know you’re not pregnant?

After taking emergency contraception How do you know you’re not pregnant? Know emergency contraceptives before using them. Know the basics of emergency contraception Emergency contraceptive pills  (Emergency Contraceptive Pills, Morning-after Pills) are medicines used to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex, such as rape, or having

Alzheimer a silent danger that is more than just forgetfulness.

Alzheimer a silent danger that is more than just forgetfulness. Alzheimer is a type of dementia. It occurs more often in elderly people aged 65 years and over. It is found more often in women than in men. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease lose brain abilities

Benefits of pineapple Sweet and sour fruit.

When we eat pineapple, our tongue has a natural protein coating. This enzyme also breaks down proteins on our tongue. That causes the tongue area to become irritated, burning, and itchy. After that, the tongue creates new proteins to replace it. In addition, pineapple also contains minerals, vitamin

Spaghetti Carbonara Italian food is easy.

One of the most popular menu items is Spaghetti Carbonara or CARBONARA, spaghetti originates from Chinese noodles during the era of trading with foreign countries. and has been adapted to suit foreign cultures Until it becomes another type of pasta. (The collective name for Italian food consisting of noodles,