Free radicals are not difficult to fight, just change your behavior.

Free radicals are the cause of the body’s deterioration. We can increase the production of antioxidants. By changing behavior, turning to eating well and exercising regularly. Get enough rest and don’t stress.
Antioxidants It is a substance that helps protect. or help reduce cell damage from the generation unstable molecule that the body produces from reactions to the environment and other pressures both from outside and inside the body
Living life to the extreme Eating food that is not beneficial Not enough rest High stress All of which can affect the production in the body. Which is an ยูฟ่าเบท excessive amount of free radicals in the body Affects health This causes cell degeneration, aging, and the risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and brain disease.
The body can produce antioxidants naturally. and supplement it by eating good, nutritious food
Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, selenium, manganese and zeaxanthin. etc.
In addition, changing lifestyle habits, eating well, exercising, and getting quality rest. and make your mind bright Helps reduce the occurrence in the body.
Free radicals are the cause of deterioration of the body.
Free Radicals are unstable molecules created by the body. From reactions to the environment and pressure from both inside and outside the body. causing the body to be out of balance which results in damage to body cells
Normally, the body has a process. Natural free radical management By using enzymes that the body creates to bind to free radicals, such as the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the enzyme catalase glutathione peroxidaes, etc.
But the antioxidants that the body creates itself There may not be enough quantity. With variables caused by lifestyle, environment, and aging. It can reduce the process of resisting