After taking emergency contraception How do you know you’re not pregnant?

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After taking emergency contraception How do you know you’re not pregnant? Know emergency contraceptives before using them.

Know the basics of emergency contraception

Emergency contraceptive pills  (Emergency Contraceptive Pills, Morning-after Pills) are medicines used to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex, such as rape, or having protection but there is an error, such as a broken condom, falling off, or wearing a condom. Incorrect condoms, etc. Using emergency contraception is one of the birth control methods that can effectively prevent unwanted pregnancy. should be used only when absolutely necessary. This is because different form of birth control pill than regular birth control pills. Therefore, it may affect the body if emergency contraception is taken frequently. In addition cannot terminate a pregnancy that has already occurred. Therefore should be used correctly and in a safe way. 

Taking emergency contraception will delay your menstrual cycle. It may come about 1 week later or earlier than usual and may สมัคร ufabet cause some bleeding. And after taking, how can we know that we are not pregnant? The answer is that we still need to take a pregnancy test. You should check after 28 days of your menstrual period or after taking emergency contraception for about 3 weeks or more. Or when there are symptoms that make you suspect you may be pregnant, such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and frequent urinat

After taking How much can pregnancy be prevented?

After taking emergency contraception How do you know you’re not pregnant? First of all, you need to understand how works. In general, sperm can survive inside a woman’s body for about 48 – 72 hours. If an egg falls just in time, it will cause the fertilization process. (Fertilization) between sperm and egg begins leading to pregnancy. Therefore one of the important aids in preventing unwanted pregnancy by altering hormone levels, delaying ovulation, or interfering with fertilization from occurring.

However, If fertilization and implantation occur (Implantation) has been completed before. Taking emergency contraceptive pills will not interrupt or help end the implantation. As a result, the pregnancy can still continue.

After taking emergency contraception When should I take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test. By testing for pregnancy on the 28th day of your menstrual cycle in cases where your menstrual cycle comes on time. Or if your menstrual cycle doesn’t come on time. Take a pregnancy test after using emergency contraceptive pills for 3 weeks or more.

I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant after taking. What should I do?

I took and got pregnant. What should I do? Although is highly effective in preventing pregnancy, But there is still a chance of getting pregnant. If after taking you are found to be pregnant, you should stop taking birth control pills and immediately see a doctor for a pregnancy checkup.